I decided to start this blog in order to share with others the journey that God has me on as He leads me to Kenya, where I have been called to work with the orphans at the Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre. I am a missionary disciple with World Gospel Mission, hoping to be in Kenya by the end of the year, where I will spend two years at the AGC Baby Centre. While there I will be working with the children on early development skills.
My passion for Africa, and the orphans found there, began when I was 16 and went on my first mission trip to Ghana. Since then I have been back to Africa to different countries, but always felt God drawing me toward the children on the streets who had no family to go home to that loved them. In 2004, while in Kenya, I felt the call of God on my life to become a full-time missionary to work with orphans. In 2009 I spent two months at the AGC Baby Centre and had the opportunity to work with the children and to see what an impact this ministry has for the orphans of Kenya. God is doing amazing things through the AGC Baby Centre to touch the lives of children who needed someone to take them in, care for them, and love them until a forever family could be found for them. At the end of my two months, I knew God was not finished with me there. Now I am headed back for two years, and I can’t wait.
Want to find out more about what is going on at the AGC Baby Centre? Follow their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/agcbabycentre