Deborah Jean joined us a few days ago. She is about one and a half years old. She is adjusting well. She is a sweet little girl who loves to play with everyone.
Meet Mary. She arrived just yesterday and she is around 2 and 1/2 years old. She is quite the talker and loves to play with bubbles.
Above is one of the twin 8 month old boys who joined us yesterday. His name is Kekanae. He weighs about 20 pounds.
Pictured above is the other twin. His name is Raen. He weighs about 18 pounds.
The last little one who joined us yesterday is David Brandon. He is about 2 weeks old and weighs about 6 pounds.
Please remember all of these precious children in your prayers as they adjust to life here at the AGC Baby Centre. Pray for the future families of these children.