Friday, January 23, 2015

How can you help?

 The following information came from Dan and Dana's blog about a way you can help the Baby Centre in the year to come:

     Wow!  We can't believe that 2014 is over and we are almost a whole month into 2015! 

     We have so many things to be thankful for during this past year!  God has once again proven himself faithful over and over. 

     The Baby Centre is continuing God's plan of rescuing babies.  We now have 62 babies!  A lot of these babies are in Wing A, the Wing for the youngest and smallest children.  Needless to say all our staff are keeping pretty busy. 

     With all those babies comes the need for more formula and diapers.  These are the most expensive things that Baby Centre has to buy.  At this point we are beginning to fall short in finances making it difficult to keep up our supply of these items.  We have also been having difficulty having enough in order to pay the Baby Centre staff.  We are asking for prayer specifically for this.  If you'd like to make a donation please see our website to find out how:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Four New Children to Love and Pray For

This adorable little guy is Joseph and he is around 6 and a half months old.
Timothy was about 2 weeks old when he arrived at the Baby Centre.
This is Jedidah. She was about 2 weeks old when she arrived.
This is 6 month old Diana.