Here are the babies who have gone home since the end of January. Please continue to pray for these new forever families. We are praising the Lord for providing the right families at just the right time. Please continue to pray for those who are here who are waiting for a forever family.
Michael with his new forever family. |
Naomi and her mom. |
Here is Hadassah with her new mom! |
April is going home with her new mom. |
Angel is pictured here with her new mommy. |
Joseph going home with his mommy and daddy. |
Noah with his mom and dad. |
Sanchez going home with his new forever family. |
Phyllis and Lydia were reunited with their mom. Leah and Luke were also reunited with family members.
Kenneth pictured here with his mom and dad. |
Kekanae and Raen were reunited with their uncle and Steven went home with his mom.
Amos with his mom and Uncle. |