Monday, April 30, 2012

Will you pray?

    Many of you have received my newsletter this past week. As I stated I will share information for you to be able to pray for different children from the Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre. Please remember to pray for the children who have already been adopted into forever families.

Please also be in prayer for these two children who are currently at the AGC Baby Centre awaiting a family:
Meet Jael. At just 1 1/2 weeks old, tiny baby Jael was abandoned on the roadside on January 28th and came to the AGC Baby Centre on January 29th, 2012. Like all newborns, Jael is just busy eating, sleeping and growing. 

Meet Beatrice. At six years old, Beatrice is the oldest child at the AGC Baby Centre and the oldest of five children. She came on January 26th, 2012 together with her other 4 siblings (2 sisters and 2 brothers) after being rescued by the police from their house where their mother had been locking them inside and neglecting them. Beatrice and her siblings are adjusting and learning again how to just enjoy life as children. Beatrice is very social and is thriving under the care, attention, love and activity provided for them here.

Updates were provided by Staci Keter, director of the AGC Baby Centre. Check back next week for a new child to pray for. Thank you for joining me in showing our love for these children by praying for them regularly.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Person at a Time

      I am currently reading a book called Kisses From Katie and below are some short excerpts from her book:

                 "During the first few months I lived in Uganda, in fall of 2007, I wrote, "Sometimes working in a Third World country makes me feel like I am emptying the ocean with an eyedropper." Today, it often still feels that way. I have learned to be okay with this feeling because I have learned that I will not change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person.
                  And if one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for.
                  Many days, I am still overwhelmed by the magnitude of the need and the incredible number of people who need help. Many days I see the destitute, disease-ridden children lining the streets in the communities I serve and I want to scoop up every single one of them, take them home with me, and feed and clothe and love them. And I look at the life of my Savior, who stopped for one.
                  So I keep stopping and loving one person at a time."

     I find sometimes people, myself included, can be so overwhelmed by the needs of those around us that you wonder how you can possibly make a difference. One person at a time!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Colorado Bound

I am happy to share that things are moving along and I am now registered for the classes I need to take in Colorado. I will be there from July 16-August 17. Praising God for all He has done for me as I move closer to getting to Kenya. I am thankful for all the people God has placed in my life who have been praying with me and for me that I would reach the point that I would be able to register. God is so good.