Saturday, December 27, 2014

Another Christmas Blessing

Victor going home with a mom and dad! Pray for them as they continue to bond as a family.

Christmas Blessings

     Below are two pictures of the newest children to arrive at the Baby Centre. Please pray for them as they adjust. Then there are pictures of three new forever families. Pray for them as they continue bonding with their families.

Meet Samuel Levi. He is about 2 1/2 years old. He arrived at the Baby Centre over a week ago.
This is Adam. When he arrived he was four days old and weighed in about 5 1/2 pounds.
Moses going home with his mom and dad.
David with his parents.
Dan with his mom and dad.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Meet the newest addition to the Baby Centre family. His name is Steven and he is about 1 and 1/2 months old.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thanksgiving and Prayers Part 3

It has been a while since I last updated my blog. Sorry about that. I have been having trouble with it allowing me to post photos. So, make sure you check out all 3 Thanksgiving and Prayers blog posts. You will see a mix of children who God has brought to the Baby Centre and others who God has brought families to adopt them. Please continue praying for these precious children as they adjust, either to the Baby Centre or as they become part of a family. Thanks.
This little guy is named Luke. He and his twin sister are both three years old. His sister is pictured below. 
Meet Naomi
This little one is named Lydia. She is about 7 months old. Her sister is pictured below.

This sweet smiling girl is named Phyllis. She is about 7 years old.
Copied from the Baby Centre Facebook page: We had posted some time ago that Miriam Nancy had been adopted to a new mommy. In her best interest we decided not to post anything about her return. There were difficulties with Miriam’s first adoption, so she came back to join us at the Baby Centre. But, wonderful news, she was adopted by a mommy and daddy just the other day. We are so happy for her. And her new mommy and daddy were just overjoyed to have a new daughter that they had been waiting and praying for.

Thanksgiving and Prayers Part 2

Photo: I know I say this all the time, but what a blessed day this was!  Our hearts are so filled with joy, but it is also bittersweet.  Most of you will agree that know this dear, sweet boy.  Wycliff went home with his new mommy and Auntie today.  What an absolute honor and blessing this was to be a part of.  So, so happy for this young boy.  All of us will miss him greatly.  He held a special place in all our hearts here at the Baby Centre.
Wycliff pictured here with his mom and aunt on the day he went home with his forever family.

Jonathan and Naomi went home with their biological father. It was a day of celebration.

This little guy's name is Thaddeous. He is about 1 year old.

Mary with her mom!

Thanksgiving and Prayers

This precious little girl is Sarai. She is about 1 year old and when she arrived at the Baby Centre she only weighed about 11 pounds. The little boy pictured below is her brother.
This is Abraham. He is between 4 and a half and 5 years old.
This little guy is 2 year old Ethan.
Meet 2 year old Christian.

Going home with his mom and dad!